Thursday, November 21, 2019

Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design Research Paper - 1

Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design - Research Paper Example However, due to certain physiological issues, the communication gap between the employees may increase, thus leading to a more complex situation (Bruce, 2003). According to Harris (2001), â€Å"decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and the preferences of the decision maker.† In other words, the decision maker has the privilege to choose from the numerous alternatives that he/she thinks is suitable according to the situation. As stated by Galbraith, Downey, & Kates (2002), organizational design is referred to as the continuous process of congregating people practices, reward systems, and structure of the organization for developing the capabilities of achieving the strategies required for the business. Thus, it can be recognized. The effective design of an organization is a significant part in ensuring that organizational goals and strategies are met. In this paper, the three key issues, i.e. conflict, decision making, and org anizational design will be discussed in context of the Field Support Directorate (FSD) of the United States Army Software Engineer Center. These issues will be identified and negotiation strategies will be applied to addressing the conflicts. Moreover, the process of applying of evidence-based management will be determined. Apart from these, the stages and the methods of decision making will be analyzed and recommended to the employer of FSD to follow. Last but not the least, the environmental and strategic factors that affect the organizational design will be discussed and analyzed. Process of Applying Negotiation Strategies to Address Potential Conflict in FSD As stated by Rahwan, McBurney & Sonenberg (2003), negotiation is the interaction between a group of people, with an aspiration to cooperate with the possible contradictory interests that tend to facilitate in reaching a mutually approved and acceptable division of limited resources. In other words, negotiation regarding solv ing a conflict often leads to sacrifices done by both parties involved in the conflict (Rahwan, McBurney, & Sonenberg, 2003). According to Cloke & Goldsmith (2005), conflict resolution’s definition is similar to the definition of success which is described by Winston Churchill as â€Å"the process from failure to failure with undiminished enthusiasm†. Similarly, conflict resolution always begins and remains at an endpoint until a distinguished reason or a solution and resolution become possible. Thus, the author further suggests that learning references should be followed to gain problem solving knowledge and to explore in-depth reasons for resistance, to understand the process of mediation and to redesign organizational cultures, systems, and structures. Thus, the processes will help to discourage suppression of the conflict and to encourage avoidance and resolution (Cloke & Goldsmith, 2005). The Field Support Directorate (FSD) provides a software support structure to the operations center that is one of the decisive links between the field support personnel, Warfighter, and software maintenance facility. The FSD’s role is to resolve any issue concerning the software labs by providing rapid solution to any unit concerns. The department is divided and mapped with various other departments to work closely with all the units and the CECOM Senior Command Representatives to provide resolutions to

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