Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cherokee Indians And Native American Tribes - 1056 Words

Cherokee Indians have been around for many years, but when the topic of Native Americans is discussed it is only about the struggles and hardships they went through but never their actual culture of how and where they originated or how they came to be. There are many interesting things to learn about Cherokee Indians such as their heritage, religion, language, and their traditional songs, dances, and food. The Cherokee people have been identified as one of the most socially and culturally advanced of all other Native American tribes. Artifacts have been found that Indicate that they lived a little over 11,000 years ago but it is unknown of how long the Cherokee have actually existed. Research is still being done to determine†¦show more content†¦Their religion is based on thanking mother earth for providing all that is needed to stay alive. The Cherokee language has 3 principal dialects. A’Tali or also called the upper principle is spoken throughout Northern Georgia, Eastern Tennessee, and western North Carolina and is exclusively used in the native literature of the tribe. Kituwah or also known as the middle principle is spoken chiefly on the waters of the Tuckasegee River in western North Carolina and is now prevailing dialect on the east Cherokee Reservation. Elati also known as the lower principle and is spoken on the heads of the savannah river, in South Carolina and Georgia and was the only dialect to have the â€Å"R† sound, which is now extinct. Many of the Cherokee’s 12,000 tribe members still use this language today. The Foods in the Cherokee Nation all had a purpose. Corn, beans, and squash were also known as â€Å"The 3 Sisters† that grew in their fields. Corn was made into flat breads, beans and squash were used for soups and stews. There are many traditional cherokee dishes, which include Bean Bread, Fried Hominy, Grape Dumplings, Cherokee bread pudding, and many others(Recipes). Most of the cooking vessels wer e made of clay, and food was sometimes put under hot coals for cooking. Most foodsShow MoreRelatedThe Cherokee Native American Tribe1613 Words   |  7 PagesBombria Miss Pearce American Literature Period 8 2 April 2017 The Cherokee Native American Tribe The Cherokee are considered one of the most advanced Native American tribes culturally and socially. The Cherokee tribe originated from several different regions in the United States including: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama. The Cherokee lived in villages like most Native American Tribes. Each village housed four hundred to five hundred Cherokee people. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Idiots Manual to Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade

The Idiot's Manual to Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade A comparison essay is among them. The word compare' is a little bit of a misnomer when used concerning a comparative essay analysis. You can begin with the form of topic you pick for your compare and contrast essay. The topic for a compare and contrast essay will probably be set by the topic or course a student is enrolled. In reality, a persuasive essay is a sort of expository essay. What's more, an essay writer must also have the ability to offer valid references on the arguments which he would want to include in the paragraph. Your thesis is the fundamental argument your whole essay will revolve around. To write this kind of essay is quiet hard thing and it ought to be carried out responsibly. Find out how to compose a compare and contrast essay from us to be sure that you think of a wonderful academic paper, or even better, call us to find out more about buying one of our reasonably priced essays. As a way to continue to keep your essay informative and engaging, you will want to source for factual information which not only impresses the reader but also teaches them something they might not have already known. To compose a high-quality paper, you've got to understand how to pick your topic properly and utilize it to create a practical outline. To start with, in the same way as any other bit o f academic writing, a comparative essay ought to have a goal. Another practical idea is to ask a relative or a buddy to read the essay and see whether they can spot some mistakes. For example an individual may select a topic like, life in the shoes of a werewolf. Keep in mind, ensure you do your research, and don't rush writing. The next thing to do is to begin writing. Understanding Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade It is going to be rather simple to discover the differences but the similarities are a lot more difficult to find. When you have identified the 2 subjects, decide which similarity and difference to concentrate on. When you receive the title and aspects to compare but without a definite number of criteria to cover similarities and differences, you've got to brainstorm. When you begin brainstorming and researching the subject, the odds are high you'll locate a wide collection of differences and similarities. You may employ a professional essay wr iting service to complete your assignment in the very best quality. Writing tips will allow you to organize the outline and compose the essay. Bear in mind, the same as in other forms of essays, thorough research is extremely relevant here, too. You are able to discover some info about various formats of accounts. If you're not that confident about your writing skills or are running out of time, there's a good approach to assist you submit the essay which you require. There are additionally some lessons that you should always keep in mind before you get started writing your essay. The first thing which you should do before you get started writing is to select a proper topic to write about. If you want to acquire a complimentary example, there's no greater place to search than an expert online writing website. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade - the Conspiracy You must present your topic, obviously, and also your thesis statement that has the function of indic ating to your readers what is the probable path of the full work. The illustration of an outline is supplied below. If you are going to write a comparative essay, you will need to get a notion of the impacts of unique aspects to the result which you may get at the conclusion of the writing activity. A strong essay is going to have an opening paragraph that comes with a thesis statement and a concluding paragraph. It's common to be assigned to compose essays in every area of study, not just when taking a composition program. It is a necessity if you would like your writing procedure to be easier and clear. Both have a broad selection of expensive, elegant restaurants in addition to a similar quantity of global and national chains. In the span of obtaining an education, students need to deal with diverse tasks and overcome many challenges of different complexity. The Do's and Don'ts of Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade Since you may see, the topics are split be tween multiple categories so it would be simpler that you select one. Before you begin, it is imperative to choose topics that you truly know well. It's needless to mention your topics ought to be precise and on point. In most instances, the topics you pick should be closely related. You only have to order a very good essay from experts with the greatest academic degrees in an assortment of fields. Our experts will let you know absolutely the exact same, but after teaching you the way to compose a compare and contrast essay. To begin with, you will need to select two unique topics that you need to compare and contrast. If you are thinking about how to begin a compare and contrast essay or only want to learn how to write one well, first you ought to comprehend its objective. Every student was assigned a compare and contrast essay at least one time in a lifetime. By getting compare and contrast essay help you're going to be in a position to file your essay punctually and in the ideal quality. The very first thing you ought to do is identify the form of compare and contrast essay which you're handling.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Water Supply Planning and Operation System †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Water Supply Planning and Operation System. Answer: Introduction: Heimersson et al. (2014) stated that asset management is managing the infrastructure of capital asset for reducing the total owner cost and operating the assets while deliver the required service levels. Harder et al. (2014) argued that asset management achieves a sustainable infrastructure of the selected asset. United Arab Emirates (UAE) faces various water management challenges such as groundwater scarcity, higher cost of water production and limited wastewater treatment. Due to growing need of water treatment, there is significant requirement of water supply system. Therefore, there is need to invest into new water infrastructure to meet with current demand of Dubai. The asset for this assessment is development of water supply system (water pipeline network) which is conducted into water infrastructure industry. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) introduced the expansion of water pipeline project in different locations into emirate. The expansion project of water pipeline in Dubai is 46km project which would intend to increase flow of water between two roads (Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road and Emirates Road). The main objective behind the investment into water infrastructure is to improve water quality of Dubai for human consumption and provide the growing population of Dubai with access to water mains. This asset improves the water supply towards the growing population of Dubai (GulfNews 2017). By the year 2030, this asset is planning to increase the capacity of water by 60 percent. The project is based on extension of water connectivity between United Arab Emirates. Asset management of water infrastructure ensures that planned maintenance is conducted and capital assets (water pipeline) are repaired and upgraded on schedule time and budget. Advanced water infrastructure asset management achieves sufficient level of services into the future with regard to high quality of water, prevention of both pollution and urban flooding (Stark 2015). Water supply system asset management is keystone for sustainability which supports planning and day-to-day need to optimize financially over longer term. One of the significant insights into asset management is to deal with the life cycle price of chosen asset from setting up, scheming and building of the operational cycle. The project manager takes the capital investment decisions concerning the expansion of water supply system (Burke 2013). This study maintains nature of water infrastructure based on cost as well as usage of water into growing population of Dubai. Strategic decision making is established to de velop the asset management policies and long term investments into the water infrastructure industry. In Dubai, DEWA started to work into the water supply system for commissioning, delivering and installation of water pipeline network across Emirates. This network manages the increasing demand of water into emirate and provide of higher quality infrastructure for sustainable development into Dubai. This water supply system meets with current as well as future demand of water into Dubai (GulfNews 2017). The water management into UAE is improved throughout different types of measures. The government makes various preparations for expansion of proposed system. The current state is such that water flowing throughout ageing pipelines is contaminated of bacteria, which makes the water undrinkable (Campbell, Jardine and McGlynn 2016). Therefore, in order to solve identified problem, water supply system with expansion of water pipeline is selected as asset of this particular assessment. It is advantageous to carry out of life cycle cost breakdown for the water infrastructure and following ar e the objectives to meet with goals such as: To develop of pipeline network for stopping contamination of water To determine environmental friendly design of the water supply system To reduce water contamination risks with respect to environment and economy To achieve of low life cycle cost based on project requirements To improve sustainable use of water To improve investment and operational competence into water infrastructure organization Mainly, the assessment study is based on design of water supply system includes of water pipeline network to the population of Dubai. The benefit of this asset is to transport of water using gravity and water quality is being preserved. Water supply system represents most of the assets into water utility (Harder et al. 2014). The design of proposed system is based on one of the most significant factor such as cost. Least cost approach leads to minimum capacity of water supply network. Cost model is used to search for least cost solutions based on pipe size even as satisfying the constraints like required output pressure, maximum flow of pipe furthermore velocity of the flow of pipe. The expenditure of the water supply system execution is purpose of diameter of pipe; consequently it is an issue to find the least cost solution by optimization of pipe size for providing least acceptable capacity (Renuka, Umarani and Kamal 2014). Water supply system is vital for the purpose to take out l ife cycle price analysis into the water infrastructure work. The study is based on Establishment of inventory for life cycle cost analysis of the water supply system. Development of water inventory system is handled with defining the data asset into the water infrastructure (Sadhukhan, Ng and Hernandez 2014). The future work is based on purpose and functions of water supply system such as pipeline network, communication, delivery along with water supply services. The main purpose of water supply system is to deliver of water to the consumers with proper quality and quantity (Rodger et al. 2016). After the water pipeline network, pipeline inspection is done with assessment of gravity mains into operational constraints of wastewater utilities. Issues related to selection of pipe diameter to configure low cost water supply system is required to be resolved using cost analysis. Process diagram where asset fits with the hardware system The step into water supply system assessment process is to describe the entire supply of water process. It covers entire system from source to water supply point, covers of different types of source water, processes for water treatment. Types of systems used into water supply system Activities of the respective systems Surface water Description of water body, flow of water, retention time, bulk of water transport (Doll et al. 2015). Ground water system Flow rate, water direction, recharge area, depth of casing, well head protection (Sahin et al. 2016). Treatment system Treatment processes, efficiencies, disinfection removal of pathogens Distribution system Reservoir design, design of distribution system, backflow protection Identifying an approach of life cycle cost analysis In order to conclude on environmental friendly plan of the water supply system, life cycle cost (LCC) analysis is being passed out for creating inventory of the materials as well as energy. This particular study is carried out for different variables regards to water consumption and linked to ecological impact of the planned system (Clay and Fong 2013). This assessment is approached concept of the inventory development for purpose of the LCC analysis. Based on some of the procedures, LCC is done for enabling management to know and direct of the water supply system. LCC analysis is functional on number of water supply system to give consistent information to the manager for making decisions related to asset management issues. Pikaar et al. (2014) determined that implementation of asset management system needs investment of time and cost into the industry. The life cycle standards is established by ISO 55000 certification. This particular standard formulates that asset management gives value to the customers and project manager. With establishment of water supply system, value of asset is realized to the stakeholders. ISO 55001 standards is provided with asset management decision regarding development of water pipeline network when the decisions are best for managing selected asset into the project work (Sahin, Stewart and Porter 2015). The project management team determines proper design and operation of the water supply system. In order to analyze the life cycle costing of this particular project work, Net Present Value is used by the industry. The benefits of ISO 55001 asset management standards are as follows: Reduction of the risks which are associated with ownership of water supply system is done. The risks are avoidable maintenance cost, inefficiency into prevention of accidents at the site (Monczka et al. 2015). Improvement over the quality assurance of the water pipeline network Supports of international growth of business which demonstrates the requirements of asset management system (Godfrey and Hailemichael 2017). Maximization of the existing operating experiences Alignment of the engineering decisions with the business objectives LCC analysis calculates the cost which is generated throughout entire process of development of water supply system from planning to disposal of the facility (Lee et al. 2017). Following are the steps of ISO 55001 standard of asset management are: Planning: One of the most important parts of LCC analysis for the water pipeline network is estimation of the performance of pipe which makes the network. The performance is measured based on expected failure, replacement along with direct and indirect cost for each stages (Doll et al. 2015). Planning models are used to assess future cost for failure of pipeline. The models require of detailed analysis of failure data for the pipeline asset. Data collection: Collecting of data is another essential part of this standard into water infrastructure activities. Proper planning is required to determine what data are collected, how it is collected and where it has to store (Zhang, Kuczera and Kiem 2015). Data for analyzing the pipeline failure is relied on reliable data over five years for achieving meaningful predictions of the future trends. Following are the types of data which are required: Pipeline material- Using of water industries agreed codes Installation of data- It should provide the year of installation Pipeline location- Town and zip code are required and what type of pipe is buried under the road (Lee et al. 2017). Data related to soil- Again, there is use of industry standard codes to get the information on soil type Failure data- After occurrence of failure into the pipeline, then some set of data is needed such as what type of failure, when it occurs and what are possible actions should be taken to overcome the failure (Stenstrm et al. 2017). Acquisition: Expansion of water pipeline network requires a significant capital investment. Due to expansion of the network, there is needed to meet current standards which increase both design, operational and examination cost of the project (Scholten et al. 2015). Those changes lead to additional scope into the asset due to new upgradation of water pipeline network. Operation: The operational cost of the system is estimated using LCC analysis of network (LICAN) model. The users are required to determine installation cost, repair and also pipe replacement cost into the water network varied on size and set of time frame for the analysis (Fletcher et al. 2017). This proposed model includes of cost for water loss. Output of this model includes of tables, charts for comparing the alternatives, characteristics of water pipeline network and summarizing the pipeline materials based on length, size and initial cost for water supply system. The approach to LICAN model is to forecast the annual probability of failure for each size of pipe based on length of pipe (Asefa, Adams and Kajtezovic-Blankenship 2014). For each of the pipeline segment, expected probability of failure into the pipe is estimated for each year into the forecasted period. The inventory for water pipeline network enables the performance of entire network which is obtained based on few pa rameters. Maintenance: The maintenance cost is provided per repair and cost for replacement of pipe is calculated from the cost per unit length. Replacement of the pipeline reduces length of existing pipes and creates new pipe into replacement year (Gurung et al. 2016). All the pipeline failures are being repaired. Disposal: The environmental factors are considered at highest priority in this phase. The old water pipeline network have important amount of the water contamination materials which are required for water treatment throughout removal (Paton, Maier and Dandy 2014). The disposal cost for expansion of the system is expensive. Life cycle cost prediction and cost breakdown structure LICAN model calculates the future cost for development of water pipeline network asset over forecasted period. This particular model is used to forecast the failure on year basis replaces pipeline asset and moves to next year into forecasted period (Pietrucha-Urbanik 2015). LCC analysis is considered as a method to predict the cost effective solutions for development of water supply system (pipeline network). It is not providing an accurate solution but allows the project manager makes a comparison between alternative solutions by means of limited data. The water supply system has lifespan of around 15-20 years, therefore the cost elements are incurred at outset and incurred at various times based on evaluation of various solutions. Therefore, it is probable to predict present as well as discounted value of the LCC analysis to assess of various solutions. This LCC analysis is being concerned with assessment of details of proposed system design. The project manager considered maintenance cost with initial supply of the equipments. The elements of the LCC analysis are shown in the following table: LCC= Cic + Cin + Ce + Co + Cm + Cs + Cenv + Cd Where, LCC Life cycle cost Cic Initial cost, cost for purchase of pump, pipeline, system Cin Installation cost includes of training Ce Energy cost includes of predicted cost for operation of system Co Operation cost includes of labor cost for supervision of water supply system Cm Maintenance and repair cost includes of predicted water system repairs Cs Down time cost due to loss of production Cenv Environmental cost includes of contamination from the pumped liquids Cd Disposal cost includes of disposal of the auxiliary services Table 1: Elements of the LCC analysis (Source: Cullar-Franca and Azapagic 2014, pp-179) Following are the costs which are forecasted for growth of water supply system are: Installation cost- Throughout first period of the planning of selected asset, the installation cost for asset is calculated as cost per foot linked with new material along with diameter is being multiplied by length (Fuchs et al. 2014). LICAN model adds of pipeline asset one at time for each of the material. It includes of set of the equipments, connection to process pipe, connection to electrical wiring, performance evaluation and connection to auxiliary system. Energy cost- Consumption of energy is one of the most significant cost basics into the LCC analysis when the pump established for the water supply system flows greater than 2000 hours/year. The data are collected on pattern of system productivity. When the output is steady, then calculation becomes simple. When output is varied with time, then there is requirement of time based usage pattern (Hawkins et al. 2013). The cost includes of cooling circuits, liquid or gas barrier arrangements. The cost of cooling circuits include of water cost, filtration, heat dissipation and circulation. Repair cost- The event cost is being multiplied by fractional number of the repair events expected into provided year for generation of total repair cost for the selected asset (Cabeza et al. 2014). Leakage cost- The model calculates the leakage from the joints. The volume of loss of water by the asset is multiplied by unit cost of leakage in order to determine the cost of leakage (Shin, Joo and Koo 2016). Loss of water throughout the leakage presents significant cost for the water pipeline network. Through use of leakage model, the cost for leakage is being estimated. The leakage is considered from the background leakage that is occurred throughout joints into the pipe (Zakeri and Syri 2015). There is also leakage from burst failures like longitudinal splits as well as breakage of circumferential. Replacement cost- There is replacement of asset when prediction of total discounted repair cost is greater as compared to cost of asset replacement and it results into lower failure rate in the future (Palma-Behnke et al. 2013).When for the given year, there is no replacement of asset, then cost becomes zero. Pumping cost- The water pipeline network is designed as gravity network, with pumping limited to supply tanks. The cost becomes similar to the network (Vilanova et al. 2015). Corrosion cost- The effects of the corrosion are being included into the pipeline failure models (Hellweg and Canals 2014). The cost which is estimated for different elements formulate the total life cycle cost requisite allows assessment of the design of the water supply system. The total estimated cost provides LCC values for comparison. The financial factors which are taken into consideration to develop LCC analysis, it includes of: Apart from all this, the user decides to include of maintenance, disposal, environmental, down time and other costs. The change into investment cost is dependent on growing market. The investment is done based on clients demand and their satisfaction levels (Heijungs and Suh 2013). The estimation of cost is done by the management team after proper scheduling and planning with maintenance of the water infrastructure. The life cycle cost analysis for the water network is required for the water utilities so as to calculate and estimate long term cost for installation, maintenance as well as upgradation of the asset. The UAE always looks for lowest bid price which lead to consequences into the future with network skilling of high cost for repair as well as loss of water. It requires of faster regeneration frequency of the installation of pipe as outcome of lower upfront price approach (Cuellar-Franca and Azapagic 2014). Prediction of pipeline predictions, higher failure rate is coupled w ith high rate of leakage which results into significant maintenance cost along with lost water cost for the lifetime of pipeline network. After considering of the life cycle cost, all the cost documentation are done into the report. From the report, the stakeholders can analyze and understand the final project outcome along with implications of the LCC analysis. The proposed report consists of purpose, scope, LCC model, and LCC model analysis, discussion in addition to analysis (Kahn and Lemmon 2016). After the report is prepared, results are reviewed properly to identify if there are any risks within the LCC analysis. Accuracy of the LCC analysis is done properly so that there are no risks and issues results into failure of the project work. Campbell, Jardine and McGlynn (2016) stated that LCC analysis is considered as cost for the asset based on water supply system through the life cycle which performs the presentation of the project necessities. LCC is used throughout the following stages of the project life cycle of the selected water supply system or water pipeline network asset: Project management investment along with planning: It consists of planning of the life costing or life cycle cost along with strategic analysis of the water supply system. Design and construction: During the expansion of the proposed system, LCC analysis is done for the functional and operational requirement of the proposed asset (Sahin et al. 2016). The water supply system is divided based on the functions of water facilities, water treatment, transmission of water, water supply along with water distribution facilities. The scope of water facilities is to include of structure related to civil engineering for each of the water supply system, water pipeline, and machinery facilities (Marlow et al. 2013). The inventory is used by means for LCC analysis. The flow chart to establish the asset inventory is being shown as follows: Into the project study, the water supply system is divided into water supply pipelines which are used for developing the pipeline structures for sake of Dubais growth of population. The facilities of water pipeline is accounted for most of the water supply system which are grouped for functioning of the pipes, transmission of pipeline, distribution of pipes along with supply pipes (Sahin et al. 2016). Valves are also playing a key role into installation of the water pipeline through complete water supply system asset. Apart from the collection of exacting area into water supply system, for the purpose to install of pipeline network, the construction work is based on type of pipe, water transmission facilities, and water distribution facilities in addition to water supply facilities. Based on the theoretical assessment of the water supply system, it is installed into Dubai to provide water to the population. While analyzing of the proposed system into this particular study, facilities related to water treatment is excluded to be based on water pipeline network (Shin, Joo and Koo 2016). Establishment of the account of the water supply system is also prioritized in this particular study. Clay and Fong (2013) mentioned some of the methods to analyze existing piping system. One consists to observe the operation of piping system and second is to perform detailed calculation of diameter of pipe. The first method is based on observing the operations and functions of piping system and second method deals with creation of mathematical model of piping system. After that, pressure is calculated and also flow rates in the LCC model (Campbell, Jardine and McGlynn 2016). Observation of piping system permits to view of actual work of proposed system but operational requirements are limited to amount of experimentation. By development of model of the piping system, it is easy to consider the system alternatives, but the model is validated to present the operating piping system. The entire life cycle cost analysis for pipeline network is needed to measure and calculate of long term cost for installation, protection and improve of the chosen water supply system. Vilanova, Magalhes F ilho and Balestieri (2015) argued that in order to raise competence of management into water supply system, the inventory elements are categorized into such a way that the waterworks manager requires to replace, repair and rehabilitate. Water supply system is being divided into pipelines, facilities of distribution in addition to pump stations. Strategic decision making is used to identify of asset management policies as well as optimal longer term investments which are arrived to conduct of life cycle analysis on the current project work. Technological advancement is done to develop the infrastructure of water supply system (Sahin, Stewart and Porter 2015). Estimation of the life cycle costing is done by means to do proper project scheduling in addition to planning with maintenance of the water infrastructure project work (Scholten et al. 2015). Therefore, LCC analysis is important for the project. Identification of the benefits doing life cycle costing in lifecycle management of selected asset Life cycle cost approaches is evolved from the project appraisal tool to incorporate of sustainable developmental aspects into water infrastructure industry. LCC analysis is considered as broader sustainable development framework. In order to carry out life cycle cost analysis into this particular project work, water supply system is vital for the purpose to carry out (Campbell, Jardine and McGlynn 2016). The aim of proposed system is to carry of water to the customers at proper cost so that there is overcome of water contamination risks. LCC analysis is conducted on number of water supply system to provide reliable information to the project manager to take proper project related decisions related to asset management risks. Based on development of water pipeline network, it is required to meet current standards which raise both design, operational and analysis cost of the project work (Renuka, Umarani and Kamal 2014). LCC analysis for the water pipeline network is needed to compute and estimation of long term cost for the purpose of fixing, continuation as well as upgradation of the chosen asset. The documentation is done based on the project requirements. While analyzing of the proposed water supply system into this particular project study, facilities related to water treatment is expelled to focus on water pipeline network. By analyzing the life cycle costing into selected asset, it is observed that it benefits the water infrastructure industry by bring out of product as well as process development into sustainable directions. The industry can harvest of benefits related to environmental, health, safety and risk management. Incorporation of the life cycle as well as sustainability management can lead to brand value of the selected water industry (Clay and Fong 2013). The full amount price of ownership of chosen asset is far superior as contrasted to preliminary capital outlay of the cost and it is varied among alternative solutions and operational requirements. The project manager considered each different cost and analyzed the life cycle to get possible information such as: Assessing of the future resource requirements Assessing of the comparative cost of probable acquisitions Deciding among sources of supply (Pikaar et al. 2014). Accounting for the resources used currently and in past Improvement over system design Optimization of operational and support of maintenance, understanding of the input requirement (Monczka et al. 2015). Assessing of the assets reach end of economic life and understanding of manpower and water utilities Improvement over risk management Improvement over cost monitoring (Gurung et al. 2016). Optimization of long term cost For effective management of the selected asset of water supply system for pipeline facilities, the cost is estimated through entire life cycle with use of LCC analysis. The main factors of LCC analysis are establishment of LCC analysis, formulation, construction, and main factor of LCC, verification of economic efficiency and definition of the lifespan. LCC analysis is determined for different functions and life cycle phases-costing along with accumulating of the cost for entire life cycle (Zhang, Kuczera and Kiem 2015). LCC model is used into water supply system asset for determining the future cost which is associated with development of water pipeline network. Analysis of the water supply system cost provides better presentation of resources, cost for designing, installing, maintaining and procuring activities. Life cycle costing is utilized by the industry to provide information related to maintenance, installation and development of water pipeline network. Alternative solutions of proposed system are resulted into lowering LCC which have significant benefits into the industry (Vilanova, Magalhaes Filho and Balestieri 2015). It is benefited into that area where capitals funding along with limitation of resources are there. The industry builds a cost database to approximate the project life cycle cost. Maintenance along with development activities are carried out into 5 years of planning cycle. Lee et al. (2017) cited that LCC analysis helps the project manager to measure long term economic benefit of the industrys assets. When there is assessment of total price of ownership over life cycle of assets, then it gets better of the bottom line of the organization. The completion of life cycle cost analysis for water pipeline network has following benefits such as: The project manager utilizes the LCC analysis for examining the best way to estimate the future budget. The true cost of water pipeline asset is more than initial purchase cost. It serves for economic viability for each of the life cycle of selected asset (Godfrey and Hailemichael 2017). It permits to perform analysis of entire business functions. It will investigate the entire functional area of water infrastructure industry where there is higher resource consumption. This LCC analysis identifies the time of cash flow for selected asset. It also performs better management of project resources and costs (Fuchs et al. 2014). LCC analysis reviews impact of industrys policies on asset life cycle (Zhang, Kuczera and Kiem 2015). LCC analysis identifies preferred options to upgrade and meet with operating conditions. With use of LCC analysis, the first step is to estimate the operations and functions of water supply system. It also determines why control valve is failed; then it is done to identify the problems. Proper design of water supply system is an element to minimize the LCC analysis (Zhang, Kuczera and Kiem 2015). The system consists of pump, installation of pipeline, driver in addition to operating controls. Proper design consists of interaction among pipeline installation and entire water supply system. The characteristics of water supply system are measured to determine needed performance of the pipeline network. Installation as well as operational cost is dependent on diameter of pipe in addition to workings of the piping system (Kahn and Lemmon 2016). 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Running head Health, Stress, and Coping Essay Example

Running head Health, Stress, and Coping Paper The chapter outlines the biological, psychological, social and cultural factors that influence health and illness. The potential stressors that increase the risk of illness are stressful experiences or situations that are uncontrollable or chronic lasting for at least six months. Some of them include work related problems, noise, bereavement and loss, poverty, powerlessness and low status. According to health researchers, there are three factors due to which these chronic stressors do not affect everyone in the same way .They are (1).Individual physiological differences in the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and other bodily systems (2) psychological factors such as attitudes, emotions, perceptions of events (3) people’s behaviour under stress. The Physiology of Stress We will write a custom essay sample on Running head Health, Stress, and Coping specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Running head Health, Stress, and Coping specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Running head Health, Stress, and Coping specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Research in the area of stress began in the year, 1956, when Canadian physician, Hans Selya (1907-1982) published â€Å"The stress of life†. He described about general adaptation syndrome which is a series of physiological responses to stressors that occur in three phases namely alarm, resistance and exhaustion. Selya believed that some stress is positive and productive while some negative stress that is unavoidable may overwhelm body’s ability to cope. Stress and Body   The modern research on stress focused on the hypothalamus which sends messages to endocrine glands that activate the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system releasing epinephrine and norepineprine. Further to this, it is now evident that when body is under stress the activity along the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex called as HPA axis is initiated. The chemical messages from hypothalamus communicate with pituitary which in turn sends messages to outer part of the adrenal glands that secrete cortisol. If cortisol and stress hormones stay for too long they can be harmful contributing for hypertension, immune disorders, other physical ailments and possible emotional problems. The Mind-Body link To understand further on stressors and variations in people’s reaction to stress, an interdisciplinary specialty with focus on psychological processes, nervous, endocrine and immune systems called as psychoneuroimmunology or PNI has emerged. Research shows that chronic stress can weaken or suppress the white blood cells of the immune system. Not all people are affected in the same way by chronic stressors and environmental condition. The reason behind the differential responsiveness to stress could be attributed more to the perception about the stressor. This simply means that human beings show signs of stress when they feel crowded than when the place is crowed.  Ã‚   Therefore psychological factors play a major role. The Psychology of Stress Emotions and Illness- The effects of negative attitudes and emotions can affect the course of the illness and of recovery. Research shows that feeling anxious, depressed and helpless for example can delay the healing of wounds after surgery, whereas feeling hopeful can significantly speed healing .Efforts to link emotions and illness occurred with research on Type A personality in 1970s. The main ingredient in Type A personality turned out to be antagonistic hostility which is related to heart disease. Chronic depression also is a risk factor that is linked to heart disease. Positive Emotions are helpful in that they are associated with better health and longevity.   Psychologists are trying to find out what it is about feeling happy, cheerful and hopeful that could protect a person from getting sick. Perhaps, people with positive emotions have an easy going temperament and also have better social support. Managing Negative Emotions- As negative emotions are risky, trying to suppress those means processing the thought more frequently. One way to get rid of negative emotions comes from research on benefits of confession and forgiveness.It promotes empathy, the ability to see the situation from another person perspective. Optimism and Pessimism- Research indicates that optimism helps in promoting health and well-being than pessimism. The feeling of optimism is related to having a sense of control. According to Rotter, 1990, locus of control refers to general expectation about whether the results of your actions are under your own control (internal locus) or beyond your control (external locus).The greatest threat to health and well-being occurs when people feel caught in a situation they cannot escape. Two ways of controlling feelings can be through primary or secondary control that can help to reduce or even eliminate the relationship between stressors and health. An effort to modify reality by changing other people, the situation, or events is called as primary control while secondary control is an effort to accept reality by changing attitudes, goals or emotions. Coping with Stress Coping involves active efforts to manage demands that feel stressful. Different forms of coping with stress include using physical strategies, problem oriented strategies, cognitive strategies or social strategies. Some of the physical strategies include handling physiological tension by reducing body’s arousal through meditation, relaxation, and massage. Studies also show that physically fit people have fewer health problems. Some situations demand problem focused coping skills which depend on the nature of the problem. When there are problems that cannot be changed like losing a job, or chronic illness then using cognitive coping methods will help to change the way we think about the problem. The three ways for coping includes reappraising the situation, learning from experience and making social comparisons. Apart from these individual mechanisms of coping taking help of social support is another important approach that facilitates coping. Family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers can lend support and provide help. Studies also show that social support enhances health and bolsters immune system. Another   better way of coping with stress is by helping others .Healing through helping enables   people to gain strength by focusing   less on their woes which can stimulate optimism and restore feelings of control. How much control do we have over our health? The process of coping does not involve elimination of stress but to deal with the stressors effectively. In the course of dealing with stressors, illness and health we have control over some psychological and social factors like negative emotions, pessimism, external locus of control, hostility, depression, and lack of supportive friends etc. Other three predictors of longevity are not smoking, eating a healthful diet and exercising regularly.   Therefore coping with stress means learning to live and deal with the stressors, problems and the pain.