Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Chi-Globalization Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chi-Globalization - Term Paper Example Chi globalization encompasses the creation of a society with various specific features such as pragmatism, inter-culturalism and multiculturalism. This concept is basically a demonstration of a process that involves china’s engagement in the diverse aspects of civilization and development of globalization. Concerns revolve around the creation of globally enlightened world with the aim of facilitating and enhancing the lives of people from the point of view of a Eurocentric model. Chi globalization can be viewed as being both intercultural and bicultural. From the bicultural viewpoint it basically has its foundation on the emergence of the Chinese model that followed from china’s fusion with western and eastern cultures (Killion, 2006, p.45). The fusion of the different cultures has its origin from the opium war which took place in the 1850’s. In this case chi globalization occupies quite an integral part in the history as well as the current state of china in rel ation civilization and development (Alon, Ilan and John 2008, p.37). A study of what drove forth towards the existence of Chi globalization indicates that Anglobalization is a major factor. On the other hand Chi globalization being understood as being something that is intercultural two processes are involved. The first process presents that it is an opportunity created for china to open and embrace other cultures form other people. The second process demonstrates that chi globalization is involves the identification and incorporation of other cultures into the Chinese culture for instance the African culture, Latin American culture among others. An in-depth analysis of chi globalization presents some unique factors that have played quite a major role in its development. The globalization of America forms an important in this discussion. This is due to the fact it is the fundamental basis in which chi globalization grew out of. In connection to this the United States has acted as a model for china from the economic, cultural and social perspectives. Most aspects of civilization and development in china have simply been a reflection of what is happening in the United States (Veeck, Pannell, Smith and Huang 2007, p.60) For years America has been a major consumer of china made goods providing a reliable market even when the state is hit by a financial crisis such as the Wall Street crisis. On the same not America has had interest and created ties with china through engagement in foreign direct investment. Most of the ideas and strategies that have been used to drive china’s development have sourced from the United States thus making America a major source inspiration for the state of china. Up to this point on the higher side the American dream is in a way the dream for china. Therefore china has some fundamental values similar to those understood to facilitate the development of globalization in the United States. Such values include the free flow of both ideas and information and free flow of capital and goods. Despite Chi globalization borrowing a lot from Ameriglobalization and Anglobalization there are some unique values that make it differ in a way. This is due to the fact that it highly relates more to the culture in china. Increased identification with the world of Ameriglobalization and Anglobalization makes the way of life for the Chinese people a global model aimed at fostering development that fits the

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